5 Minutes Of Powerful Affirmations!
To change negative beliefs, it is important to fill your mind with new, positive ones instead. The more we repeat something in our mind (or out loud) the more we believe it, and eventually it will form into an unconscious belief of ours.
These affirmations focus specifically on acceptance, letting go of negative emotions, and reaching your goals. They are the follow up to last week’s meditation on Acceptance and Letting Go. [If you have not watched the video you can click HERE] The 5 minutes are packed with powerful meditations that you can listen to whenever you got a little time and want to boost your positive energy to achieving your goals.
These affirmations are particularly powerful, as they are recorded in my ‘Dual Mono Technique’. You will hear each affirmation 3 times. First in the center, then left and the right – this is also why it is best to use headphones when listening. Listening to each affirmation like this for 3 times, makes sure it reaches your unconscious , as well as your day to day thinking style. The benefits are hence much more intense than with just repeating any affirmation once or in a regular way.
For an extra boost, you can repeat these meditations in your mind, or out loud, at any time during your day or night:
- I completely accept and love myself
- I accept my past
- I accept life
- I trust in life and the universe
- I trust in myself
- I am able to let go of anything I do no need
- I have now let go of anything I did not need
- I am ready to receive
- I accept all the wonderful things from the universe
- Everyday I receive wonderful things
- I am enough
- I am abundant
- I am happy and healthy
- I can reach any goal I set for myself
- Reaching goals is easy for me
- My path is clear
- I am grateful for my life, health and abundance
All the best,